Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Christian Left

On Facebook, I am connected with a site called "The Christian Left." The following two pictures were downloaded from that site. Here is the first:

I love the sweet innocence on the child's face as she holds the poignant sign. I want to offer some commentary, but find that I am more compelled to let the picture stand on its own.

And now the other image to consider:

This was posted in relation to the battle in Wisconsin where one governor, named Scott, is seeking to bust unions and to "balance the budget" on the backs of education and teachers. I am in Florida, where another governor, who is also named Scott, is doing something similar, but taking a different approach.

The church I am attending has chosen as their mission statement: Being the face of Christ in our community." I like that statement. It challenges me to think about my own choices in life. If I am to truly "be the face of Christ" it seems that I need to be more pro-active about standing with those who are teachers and laborers, I need to "speak truth to power," I need to advocate for and provide service to those who are the targets of the powerful, be they corporate powers, governmental powers, or just brute power of people who are afraid of losing what illusion of control they are holding on to. When we stand with powerful forces in the hopes of advancing or protecting ourselves then we are standing in opposition to the teachings, ministry, and life of Jesus.

Sadly, many Christians have chosen that path.  


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